This Advanced Safeguarding course will teach more about what the role of a Designated Safeguarding Lead involves and helps to understand the safeguarding process in more detail. The course uses a variety of written activities and interactive exercises to help review and develop the safeguarding procedures. It will also ensure that all staff members understand their responsibilities towards safeguarding children, how to recognise signs of abuse and how to report them.
The course includes topics relating to allegations of abuse against a staff member and how to deal with these, understanding key legislation and guidance which underpins policy for children’s safety and welfare, roles to play in the multi-agency child protection process including case conferences, providing written reports and completing Duty To Report (DTR) forms.
Those in contact with children and have ultimate safeguarding responsibility for the provision.
Examples include:
2 Day Course
Day 1 will be delivered via TEAM’s.
Day 2 will be delivered In Person at a CCBC building.
Participants must attend both sessions to be able to complete the course successfully.
View our current training timetable
To request a place, please complete our training request form. (Please note, this form will not work using Internet Explorer. Please use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome or Safari)
If the place is available, it will be recorded on Dewis and you will be notified by email.
Call the Early Years Hub on 01443 863232.
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