Flying Start

Providing extra help to get children off to the best start in life

About Flying Start

Flying Start helps families with children under 4 years old who live in a Flying Start area.

Help available includes:

Flying Start childcare

If you live in a Flying Start area your child is entitled to funded quality childcare for 2 and a half hours per day, 5 days a week for 39 weeks for the term following the child’s second birthday up to to the term they turn three and take up their early years education place.

Please use uppercase letters, i.e CF11 1AA

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Enhanced Health Visiting Service

The Flying Start Health Service support you with parenting and to provide you with any help and advice which you might need, from the ante natal period through to 3 years and 11 months.

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Family support

Being a parent can bring joy and happiness as well as challenges, at times. We value parents, carers, and wider families as the first and most important educators of children. This is central to all the services we provide. Our team are here to work with families to support then to achieve ‘What Matters’ to them.

We provide 1:1 bespoke support to families as well as group programmes. We work in partnership with families to enhance positive parenting skills, strengthen relationships and nurture well-being and resilience. We can also boost understanding of child development. The focus will be on What Matters to you and your family.

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Speech, language, and communication support

Supporting children’s language and communication development is a core aim of the Flying Start programme.

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