Early Years Emerging Needs Panel

Early Years Emerging Needs Panel

We want all children to become independent learners who are confident and thrive in a fun learning environment. However, some children struggle with this and need more targeted support to help them settle into a childcare setting and develop their independence skills.

The Early Years Emerging Needs Panel identifies children who may need this enhanced provision.  The early years worker will gather information from you and other professionals to present at to the panel. Information shared includes goals you are working on together and strategies used. It also tells us what you feel the setting needs to do in the placement.

The panel meets three times a year just before each half term.  This allows time to plan for the childcare placement for the following term.

Information is presented to the panel members by professionals working with the child and family so that the panel can decide if the childcare setting needs enhanced provision to meet your child’s needs, such as training for the team, strategies and small group development work, specialist equipment, or any additional time.

Once the panel have agreed the enhanced provision level, the worker will be notified by email. The Early Years Worker will share this with you.  You can then present this email to their childcare settings who will use it to request the funding for the additional support agreed.

Before starting in childcare, the setting will arrange a transition meeting. The setting will invite you and other professionals working with you to the meeting. At the meeting you all share information to develop your child’s one page profile. The One Page Profile identifies your child’s strengths, what’s important to and for your child, and how best to support them in the childcare setting.

Panel members

The panel is made up of early years professionals with vast experience in working with children with varying levels of emerging and complex needs.

Panel members:

  • Chair, Performance Manager, Caerphilly CBC
  • Early Years ALN Lead Officer, CCBC
  • Early Intervention Manager, CCBC
  • Childcare Manager, CCBC
  • Health Visiting Operational Manager, ABUHB
  • Statutory Officer, CCBC
  • Principal Education Psychologist, CCBC
  • Outreach Teacher, Trinity Fields School

Presenters to panel include:

  • Team Lead Childcare Advisor, CCBC
  • Team Lead Additional Needs team, CCBC
  • Team Lead Communication, CCBC
  • Social Communication Needs Advisor, CCBC
  • Child Development Advisor Service Representative, ABUHB

There are different levels of enhanced provision. All childcare providers should be inclusive to meet children’s needs. However, some children may need a low, medium or high level of enhancement to help them access the learning environment.

Some children have complex physical medical needs and need more specialist childcare provision. Children eligible for a part-time Flying Start funded childcare placement who need specialist childcare will be allocated a place through the Emerging Needs Panel based on the evidence supplied. Currently there are some specialist Flying Start childcare placements in Sunshine Flying Start Playgroup in Energlyn Children Centre.


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