Strategies and Interventions for Children with Additional Needs

The information on this page is for early years practitioners and relevant professionals working with families in the Caerphilly county borough only

Strategies and Interventions for Children with Additional Needs

This course is aimed to provide childcare workers with strategies and interventions to use with children who have additional needs.


Childcare workers will leave this training with an increased knowledge around supporting children with Additional Needs. They will understand the use of strategies and interventions and when they should use them.

Subject area


Target Audience

Inclusion Leads in Childcare Settings, Childcare workers working with Children with Additional Needs, Childminders




View our current training timetable

Request a place

To request a place, please complete our training request form. (Please note, this form will not work using Internet Explorer. Please use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome or Safari)

If the place is available, it will be recorded on Dewis and you will be notified by email.


Call the Early Years Hub on 01443 863232.


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