‘Cooking is an essential life skill that enables children, young people and adults to lead happy and healthy lives.’ Cooking Together provides hands-on ‘healthy cooking’ experiences within schools, pre-schools and communities across Wales. They also provide professional training for staff to increase their confidence to teach basic cooking skills. Cooking Together is run by a small team of qualified Food Teachers with a wealth of experience.
Richard Shaw will deliver a presentation about teaching and planning cooking activities and a demonstration of a range of cooking and food related activities. After the session, participants have access to a private Training HWB page, which has all of the planning documents, recipes packs and information sheets
Participants will have the skills and ideas to implement healthy cooking with children and families. Planning and resources will be available for participants so they can incorporate healthy cooking into their childcare routines and practice.
Childcare Workers / Childminder in Progress / Childminders
No courses scheduled at present.
Call the Early Years Hub on 01443 863232.
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