This course is aimed at providing a standardised programme for community food and nutrition knowledge and skills for early years (weaning and toddlers under 5’s) that will support Childcare workers in their role. It has been developed by Dietitians across Wales and will be delivered by the local Public Health Dietetic team. The course, which is tutor led, runs over 2 days with attendance required on both days. There is also a small amount of private study to do during the course. There is no exam; however participants will be required to keep a portfolio.
The course covers:
All types of childcare workers and childminders.
There is a small registration and certification fee of £6.36 per learner.
No courses scheduled at present.
To request a place, please complete our training request form. (Please note, this form will not work using Internet Explorer. Please use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome or Safari)
If the place is available, it will be recorded on Dewis and you will be notified by email.
Call the Early Years Hub on 01443 863232.
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