Children all learn skills at different times. They need time to learn, play and grow through fun activities.
Visit our Parenting tips webpage for information and advice on some of the things you can do to help give your child the best start in life. You may find some of the answers to your questions in these pages.
When your child is 15 months old, the health visiting team will assess your child’s development.
For information on children’s development, visit the Aneurin Bevan Healthier Together website.
If you are worried about your child’s development at any time, you can contact your health visitor. You can also contact us in the Early Years team for support. Please complete our online form to request support.
The Parents as First Teachers (PaFT) Programme is designed for children aged 0-3 years, this programme supports both you and your child in developing essential skills. There are various activities that encourage your child’s growth and development. Sessions can be delivered in small groups or tailored to individual families.
A variety of parenting programmes are available in person and online. Visit our parenting programmes and courses page for full details.
Developing speech and language skills are important life skills. Your child needs to be able to communicate to tell us what they need, be able to learn at school, socialise with family and play with friends. Visit our Support for children to learn to talk and communicate webpage to find out more.
Learning through play is important and can help young children be ready for school, encourage their imagination and help with their development. If your child is not meeting their developmental milestones, and it’s more than learning communications skills, the Join in and Play team can work with you and your child before they start childcare or Early Years Education.
The Child Development Advisor Service is a home intervention programme offered by the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board for pre-school children with complex physical, medical and developmental needs. Children tend to be referred before the age of 1year to a Child Development Advisor who works with parents and carers to establish a set of home activities that promote the child’s development often directed by the child’s specialist health team (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist or paediatrician) and visit the family regularly to monitor progress. Child Development Advisor Service is usually arranged by a Health Visitor or Paediatrician. For more information about the Child Development Advisor Service, visit the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Healthier Together website.
Assisted Places: If your child has been supported by the Join In And Play or Child Development Advisor Service , they may qualify for a funded part-time childcare place before they begin Early Years Education. To find out how best to support your child to develop and thrive, we can see how your child settles into the setting, and how they play with other children. The Early Years and Childcare team work with approved childcare settings. They support high quality experiences for all children including access to training for childcare staff, quality play and learning experiences, quality resources, specialist equipment if needed, and advice from professionals who work with your child.
We want all children to become independent learners. We want children to be confident and thrive in a fun learning environment. Families will be able to give their child the best start in life, accessing support if needed.
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