Active Toddler

The information on this page is for early years practitioners and relevant professionals working with families in the Caerphilly county borough only

Active Toddler

The Active Toddler course follows on from 18 months to 3 years and provides practitioners with opportunities to provide the toddlers in their care with whole body experiences and an environment that promotes open-ended spontaneous movement play geared to the movement needs of the individual child. It aims to focus the practitioner to observe, tune in, feel movement, and respond in stage appropriate ways enabling them to facilitate opportunities throughout the day.

The course will take part in two hours face to face.


Topics covered include:

  • Nurturing the physical literacy journey of toddlers
  • Exploring movement opportunities with toddlers at different stages of their physical literacy journey
  • Exploring proprioception & rolling with toddlers
  • Exploring crossing the midline & why crawling is still an important act for toddlers
  • Exploring the vestibular system by stepping up and down & kicking

Subject area

(Healthy Early Years Scheme) Physical Literacy

Target Audience

All Childcare Workers that work with children between the ages of 18 months – 3 years.




View our current training timetable.

Request a place

To request a place, please complete our training request form. (Please note, this form will not work using Internet Explorer. Please use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome or Safari)

If the place is available, it will be recorded on Dewis and you will be notified by email.


Call the Early Years Hub on 01443 863232.


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