Providing inclusive childcare provision

Providing inclusive childcare provision

Childcare settings across the Caerphilly county borough are committed to providing inclusive environments for the children they care for.

Childcare provider staff receive child development training and know how to create exciting stimulating learning environments.

We want all children to become independent learners who can confidently engage with the learning environment while having fun. All childcare providers should provide good quality universal childcare provision for all children and offer some targeted learning activities for small groups or individuals to help with their development.

However, some children struggle with the learning environment and need enhanced provision to help them settle in and develop their independence skills.

Role of the Inclusion Lead

All settings should have an Inclusion Lead who is responsible for:

  • supporting children with emerging needs in the childcare setting and making sure that staff working with your child are using the correct strategies to help them learn,
  • working with the Childcare Advisors and other specialists in the Caerphilly Early Years Team to ensure staff have the correct training and strategies to support the children in their care,
  • completing the One Page Profile with the parent. This document clearly explains to the childcare setting what your child likes, what they can do, what they need a little help with, what the childcare setting can do to help and identifies targets to support your child’s learning experience,
  • working with the Childcare Advisor and other professionals involved with your child to make sure everyone is working on the same targets and sharing progress being made.

A childminder, who often works alone, is the person responsible for making their setting inclusive, with support from the Advisory Team where needed.

Advisory support

If a setting is concerned with the level of progress a child is making or would like advice regarding a child’s development, they can request support from the Advisory Team. This is a team of professionals with vast experience of working within early years. The Advisors will visit a childcare setting to observe a child and offer support strategies to help move learning forward.

If the childcare setting and Advisor feel that your child needs additional support above the universal provision, this can be discussed at the Early Years Emerging Needs Panel. This panel meets 3 times a year and discuss if a childcare setting needs enhanced provision, training, or specialist equipment, to support your child’s development.

Read more about the Emerging Needs Panel


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