Infection Prevention Control

About the course and how to book

The information on this page is for early years practitioners and relevant professionals working with families in the Caerphilly county borough only

Infection Prevention Control


Public Health Wales (PHW) Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) Guidelines for Childcare Settings in Wales were first produced by Health Protection Nurses in 2014 and reviewed in 2019 to supersede the Welsh Assembly Government’s ‘Mind the germs. Infection Control guidance for nurseries, playgroups and other childcare settings’ (2006). The guidelines were intended for childcare settings providing day care for children under the age of five years. Although nursery settings were the primary audience, child minders, play groups and other childcare settings could also adapt the guidelines for their own specific use.

This training provides basic guidance on infection prevention and control for staff working within nurseries, day-care centres, playgroups, crèches, children’s centres, after-school clubs and holiday clubs. This guidance should also be used by staff involved in all outdoor activities for children. Staff working with children in childcare settings in Wales have a ‘duty of care’ to provide a safe environment for children. We would recommend that prior to attending the training that you refamiliarise yourselves with the guidance and prepare any questions beforehand for the Q and A session during the training.

This course is designed for those working or volunteering in the childcare sector – from Day Nurseries, Wraparound/Playgroup and After School workers. The training is recommended to enhance your knowledge around Infection Prevention and support you to meet the national minimum standards for regulated childcare. Please note that there will be an opportunity at a later date for a specific course for childminders, as this course is more aimed towards setting based provision.

The course will take part in two hours via Microsoft Teams.


Topics covered include:

  • Enhanced Knowledge of Infection Prevention in Childcare Settings
  • Understanding how the guidance will support you to meet the NMS 2023

Target Audience

All Childcare Workers apart from childminders




No courses scheduled at present


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