Active Child

The information on this page is for early years practitioners and relevant professionals working with families in the Caerphilly county borough only

Active Child

Active Child is all about the development of movement, learning readiness and play – movement is an integral part of life from the moment of conception until death, and a child’s experience of movement will play a pivotal part in shaping their personality, feelings and achievements. Learning is not just about reading, writing and maths but these are higher abilities that are built upon the integrity of the relationship between brain and body.

This three-hour course is aimed at children following on from the first 3 years, supporting children and providing practitioners with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to support children to be ‘fully physical’ (Greenland, 2009) in the curriculum for Wales.

The course will take part in three hours face to face.

Subject area

(Healthy Early Years Scheme) Physical Literacy

Target Audience

All Childcare Workers that work with children over the age of 3 years. Early years education providers in particular would also benefit from attending this training.




View our current training timetable.

Request a place

To request a place, please complete our training request form. (Please note, this form will not work using Internet Explorer. Please use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome or Safari)

If the place is available, it will be recorded on Dewis and you will be notified by email.


Call the Early Years Hub on 01443 863232.


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