Healthy Early Years Network Event - The Splendour of Spring

The information on this page is for early years practitioners and relevant professionals working with families in the Caerphilly county borough only

Healthy Early Years Network Event – The Splendour of Spring

Please Join us for  The Splendour of Spring  on Saturday 3 February, 9am – 3.30pm at St James Primary School where we will be hosting a spring Healthy Early Years Network Event.

During the day there will be opportunities to network with colleagues from other settings and attend a range of workshops relevant to the HEY Scheme.

We are hoping it will be a relaxing and inspiring day where you will gain lots of ideas which can be implemented in your settings.

The agenda for day is as follows:

09:30 – 09:40 Registration & Refreshments

09:40 – 09:45 Introductory Speech

09:45 – 10:30 Key Note speaker

10:30 – 11:30 Workshop 1

11:35 – 12:35 Workshop 2

12.40 – 13.15 Lunch and wellbeing activities

13:15 – 14:15 Workshop 3

14:20 – 15:20 Workshop 4

15:25 – Evaluations

Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available however you will need to provide your own packed lunch.

Places are limited to 2 staff members per setting and to a maximum capacity of 75 participants.

We will be offering an Attendance Allowance for each staff member to attend the event. This allowance is to support CIW registered settings within Caerphilly County Borough to provide high quality childcare through upskilling the workforce. The amount of Attendance Allowance for the event is £72 and participants will be expected to sign in and out in order to qualify for the payment.

We hope you can all join us to celebrate the Healthy Early Years scheme’s success and all your achievements over the past few years.

To make your bookings please click here


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