Free online parenting courses

Free online parenting courses

Online parenting courses are a great way to get advice and learn new skills in the comfort of your own home and at times to suit you.  The courses on this page are filled with helpful techniques and ideas that we are sure will help you become a more confident and happy parent.

In Our Place

Online courses dedicated to improving emotional health and wellbeing in parents, children, teenagers, adults, and grandparents. Free access to a number or of free online parenting courses.

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OnePlusOne has over 50 years’ experience in creating evidence-based resources to support the development of healthy relationships.

The following 3 resources are available. To access the courses, login or register here

  • Me, You and Baby TooAn online course to help couples prepare for the transition to parenthoodMe, You and Baby Too helps new and expectant parents adapt to the changes that parenthood can have on their relationship, while raising awareness of the impact of stress and conflict on their baby. Parents completing this course will develop the skills to manage their conflict more constructively. Read more about You, Me and Baby Too
  • Arguing better – An online course for reducing parental conflictArguing better helps raise awareness of parental conflict and its impact on children. It gives parents the skills to cope with stress together and manage their conflict more constructively.
  • Getting it Right for Children – An online course for separating parents to minimise the impact of separation on childrenGetting it right for children uses Behaviour Modelling Training techniques to help separating parents see how they are putting their children in the middle of their conflict. It helps parents to develop positive communication skills, so that they can parent co-operatively and work out solutions together.

The following 2 resources are free to use:

  • Click – Relationship support from experts and the communityClick is a unique online service providing early intervention relationship support. Individuals, couples, families, and professionals can use Click to access helpful, evidence-based support from a secure, mobile-friendly space. Visit the Click website
  • See it differently – Communication skills for parents, co-created with Good Things Foundation.When parents argue, they don’t always see how it affects their children. This collection of videos and animations helps parents see family arguments from their children’s point of view and offers alternative ways of handling disagreements. Visit the ‘See it differently’ website

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