Partner organisations supporting families with children with additional needs

Partner organisations supporting families with children with additional needs

The Early Years team works with a range of partner organisations who offer various support for families.

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has more information on its range of specialist services for children with complex needs, including sleep advice, occupational therapy, children’s physiotherapy, children nutrition and dietetics, enteral feeding, etc. There are a range of services available from .

ISCAN Panel (Integrated Service for Children with Additional Needs)

ISCAN aims to provide a single point of access for children and young people from birth to 18 years with two or more developmental needs to ensure they receive the right support at the right time.

ISCAN West is based in Caerphilly Children Centre, Energlyn. ISCAN is a multiagency discussion to decide which support is the most appropriate for the child/young person. The referral from the professional is supported by wider information in the parent/carer questionnaire.

Contact details for ISCAN West: 02920 867447 or

SPACE Wellbeing Caerphilly (Single Point of Access for Children’s Emotional Wellbeing)

SPACE Wellbeing is a multiagency process to coordinate help, both early intervention and specialist provision for children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. The panels are in each of the five Gwent local authorities and aims to prevent duplication of referral, assessment and intervention, increase joined up working and ease the access to support for families through a clear support pathway. The referral form and more information are on their webpage.

Caerphilly Autistic Spectrum Service (CASS)

Caerphilly Autistic Spectrum Service is a unique project based out of Trinity Fields School. The team offer support to children, young people, families and school, where there is a confirmed diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The referral form, training available and other useful information is on their webpage.

SNAP Cymru

SNAP Cymru offer a range of services for families and work closely with professionals from Education, Social Services, Health, Schools, Early Years providers, Careers Wales and Third Sector partners, including Impartial Information, Advice, Disagreement Resolution and Advocacy. They also offer training and a range of leaflets/resources.


Sparkle is the Charity partner of along with Serennu and Neville Hall Children Centres. The charity has funded contracts as well as raises funds to deliver various services.

Caerphilly Early Years currently funds Sparkle to deliver family play events and play club during the school holidays for children with additional needs. These are advertised directly to families who sign up to Sparkle’s newsletter.


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