The Caerphilly Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award recognises and celebrates high-quality snack provisions within childcare settings. This award is available to day nurseries, Flying Start groups, playgroups, cylchoedd meithrins, childminders, and out-of-school clubs. To achieve the award, these settings must provide healthy snacks and drinks while adhering to guidelines on hygiene and the eating environment. If a group meets these criteria and has a staff member trained in food and nutrition, they can also attain the prestigious ‘Gold Plus’ award.
Earning this award demonstrates a commitment by childcare settings to support children, families, and communities in making healthy food choices. The award is overseen by the Public Health Dietetics Team and supported by a multi-disciplinary implementation group, aligning with the Welsh Government Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme.
The award encourages a holistic approach to healthy snacks, including food policy development and creating a positive eating environment with good food hygiene practices. Childcare settings are encouraged to provide recommended healthy snacks and drinks. A balanced diet during childhood and early adolescence is crucial for development, maintaining a healthy weight, and overall well-being. Research indicates that eating patterns established in early life often persist into adulthood, highlighting the importance of promoting healthy habits from an early age.
The food and drink offered in childcare settings play a vital role in children’s health and can help establish positive eating habits. Childcare practitioners and early years settings contribute significantly to the well-being of growing children.
By participating in the Caerphilly Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award, a setting demonstrates its commitment to implementing recommendations from the Welsh Government’s Food and Nutrition in Childcare Settings Best Practice Guidance.
For more information on supporting children to maintain a healthy weight, visit: Home | Every Child.
We are delighted to announce that since the new Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award was launched in July 2021, 31 childcare settings in the Caerphilly county borough have successfully met the criteria and achieved the award.
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